Because  outdoor lights are located outside the house, they are often subjected to seasonal challenges and elements such as harsh weather.  One of the significant threats to outdoor lighting is rainwater. When it seeps into the lights, they can damage it ultimately. Rain can cause rust, short circuits, and many other problems with wiring that can lead to costly maintenance. If you have lightning around the deck or patio, you may have faced the problem of rainwater seeping into the fixtures. There are a lot of remedial measures that can be utilized to prevent rainwater from entering the lights.

In this comprehensive guide, we have tried to cover some practical solutions and tips, such as

How Exposure to Rain Can Affect Outdoor Lighting

How Exposure to Rain Can Affect Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting is exposed to weather conditions such as extreme temperatures, salty air in coastal areas, snow, and rain. These conditions greatly impact the working and life of the lights. These lights also have challenges of electrical issues, corrosion, and rust.

How to Prevent Rainwater from Entering Outdoor Lights

If you want to effectively protect outdoor lights from rainwater, it is important to weatherproof them. You can use lights and other outdoor fixtures manufactured with special materials to withstand extreme weather conditions. Here are some of the strategies that are essential for homeowners to protect lights from rain damage.

IP Rating

The IP rating is also called the ingress protection Rating, which is essential in measuring the durability and resilience of outdoor lights against factors such as water. The IP rating has two figures: the first indicates protection of the light against solid factors, and the second gives protection against liquid factors. Outdoor lights that are frequently exposed to showers and rain must have a higher second number of the IP rating. This signals that it has robust protection against liquid or water ingress. The second digit has values between 0 to 9k. Zero means no waterproofing, and 9k can withstand the powerful pressure of water. Outdoor lights must have an IP4 or higher. If you have outdoor lights near the ground, you should look for IP7 to protect them from submersion.

How to Prevent Rainwater from Entering Outdoor Lights

Select Robust Outdoor Lights

When you choose outdoor lights, it is essential that you carefully analyze the waterproof material that is used to make them. You can shop for lights that are made of weather-resistant and resilient materials such as plastic, aluminum, or steel and can endure UV exposure, snow, and rain. If you invest in high-quality materials, they can significantly reduce repair and maintenance costs in the long run.

  • It is also important that you consider the type of light they emit. Usually, halogen lights and CFL bulbs are used to light outdoor lights. CFL bulbs are very common, but they are not the best option for outdoor environments. This is because when their filament is exposed to water, they get damaged easily.
  • Halogen lights are another option that provides a good quality of light for a long time.

They are robust because they are made of good quality material but can cost you a lot.

Instead of these, you can select cheap lights made with water-repellent material, such as LED lights, which can easily endure the harsh conditions of the outdoors.

Cover or remove lights.

If the weather forecast has warned you about rainstorms or thunder, be active and cover or remove the lights. If the lights are fixed and cannot be removed, you can cover them with waterproof material or a tarp.

Install shields

Installing a shield on outdoor lights can protect them from rain. These shields are engineered to fit the fixtures perfectly and offer strong barriers against debris and rain.

Weatherproof connection points

Electrical connection points are areas that are quickly damaged by moisture and light. Weatherproof electrical cords and sealing the connection with electric tape can prevent water from entering the lights.

One of the easiest ways to protect the connection points is to use a sealed nut connector. They have waterproof sealant that makes them work like an indoor connector.

All you have to do is twist the exposed wires and place them in the nut. The sealant will cover the exposed wires. Now, you can twist the nut and ensure that the wires remain in place.

Another option is using a waterproof heat shrink tubing. This is an excellent option if you are thinking of soldering the connection. Before you connect the wire, thread one of them through the tube and then put the tube on top of the connection. Applying gentle heat will shrink it and form a waterproof seal.

Apply protective coating

You can also weatherproof outdoor lights by applying protective coatings such as sealants and spray-on waterproof seals. The coating applied on the lights' surface gives them an added layer of protection against water and sun rays. Effective coating products include silicon-based sprays and clear lacquer, which reduce the risk of corrosion and rust.

Gasket and O-rings

Many outdoor lighting options come with an o-ring. These gaskets make a seal between various parts of the light. You must regularly check these gaskets to ensure that they are working optimally, and if there is any leakage, replace them right away.

Gasket and O-rings

How to choose outdoor lights  to avoid rain damage

Whether you live in a desert or tropical rainforest, you need to select weatherproof outdoor lights to protect your home from environmental damage.

Permanent fixtures

These lights are more expensive than the temporary lights, but they have improved durability, especially for rainy conditions. They are made of aluminium or metal, which strongly resists degradation caused by UV and moisture.You may also come across permanent outdoor lights that are equipped with seals that help with waterproofing.

Temporary fixture

These outdoor light options give less protection against Exposure to weather conditions for a long time. They are usually made up of PVC or plastic. Temporary fixtures can be enough for lighting outdoors for a short time, like evening get-togethers or summer gatherings. However, for more extended periods, they are not resilient and durable. Whether you choose to buy temporary or permanent lights for your outdoor space, remember to add an extra layer of protection. You can look for the latest models that have a weather-resistant coating on them.

Modern Technology to Protect Lights

Nowadays, modern technology in the lighting sector has created different types of fixtures that can endure the wear and tear of the outdoors. These advancements and technology have improved the durability of lighting. In this regard, the following options have significantly improved the reliability of light fixtures.

  • LED Lights

LED bulbs are a huge breakthrough in outdoor lighting. These bulbs are covered in waterproof material, which protects them from severe conditions. They have built-in wiring, and the waterproof electric cords protect them from rain and wind.

  • Solar lights

One of the best ways to protect outdoor fixtures from Exposure to rain is to use solar lights. As they don't require electricity and come without wiring, they do not pose a risk of fire or wire shorting. They also don't get damaged by the rain because they are waterproof sealed units. So, they are a very good option to employ in your outdoor lighting system.

Right Placement

When you are planning to position outdoor lights, it is important that you consider their functional aspects and safeguard them from elements of nature.

In this regard, elevating lights from the ground level is very helpful in preventing rainwater from entering them. Lights placed higher are less likely to get pooled by water splashing. Another important factor to consider while placing light fixtures outside is the protection offered by canopy's or overhangs. These structures can cover the lights and shield them from direct flashing of rainfall.

Additionally, you should also be vigilant and place the lights away from things that can catch fire. For example, if moisture exposure leads to a fire eruption in the bulb, it can significantly affect the surrounding things. Therefore, take close attention to what you place near the outdoor lights.

Regular Maintenance

Routine cleaning and maintenance are critical to protecting outdoor lights. Rainwater is the major cause of malfunctions, as it accumulates dirt that can trap moisture. You need to clean the lights regularly so that the entrapped moisture does not create corrosion. Maintenance also includes regularly checking for signs of damage, such as loose connections or broken lenses. If you spot any of these maintenance issues, address them quickly.

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